Friday, March 22, 2019

Hero + Detail Shots

Hero Shot:

The hero shot offers a perspective of the key features of the structure, it presents the range of experiences and sights that the grounds have to offer through a shot which holds a mid point between the work-spaces, this demonstrates how this structure's levels flow not vertically, but horizontally and diagonally, this allows the occupant to view the story that the structure holds and differentiate between the 3 unique chapters held in the 3 "rooms".

The structure encapsulates the forest between itself and the mountain, creating a barrier between itself the the cold rock. The shot reveals how much like a mountain, the structure hides some of its strongest attractions underground.

Detail shot:

This shot accurately represents how the lighting and structure was created with the intention of leading the visitors down the stairs and into the workshop.

The angle of the natural light influences the people to flow down the stairs like water, this is aided by the two stops/ pot plant holders that serve as the rocks in the stream that direct the water and give it form. The dramatic mesh in the first two smaller skylights adds a tone of suspense and intrigue.

The big opening with a splash of light at the bottom produced by a large skylight welcomes the people down into the opening which is contrasted by the second half of the tube which is dominated by the presence of deep shadows, this furthers the purpose of guiding people down.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week 4

View Down Bottom Stairs
Middle of structures:

Side View of Top Stairs:

Video of Bottom Stairs:
Video of Showcase Room:
Video of Top stairs:

36 Texture Sketches

18 2D sketches

Flaunting/ Modest:
Flaunting/ staying:

Flaunting/ Hider:
Mystery/ Modest:

Mystery/ Staying:
Mystery/ hider:

Modest/ Extravagent:
Staying/ Mystery:

Hider/ Extravagent:

Modest/ Flaunting:
Staying/ Flaunting:

Hider/ Flaunting:

Hider/ Mystery:

Staying/ Mystery:
Modest/ Mystery:

Extravagent/ Staying:
Extravagent/ Hider:

Staying/ Mystery:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Week 3

Two objects to scale:

Three textures applied:

Two images of designers work in their workshops:

10 second video: Links to flowing nature of Off-White structure

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Bottom: Hider (Bernabei Freeman)
The underground portion of the compound is not necessarily hidden, but under represented as opposed to the other structures, it is not exposed unlike the "Off-white" structure in order to strengthen the idea of this building hiding from the public eye. In addition, the light sources are composed in a method which allows light to enter from the sky, but not for people to look in. (Light sources seen in pictures below)

Top: Extravagant (Off-white)
To display extravagance in the workshop I employed thinner, sleeker and more flowing forms than compared to the rest of the structures. 
This is because extravagance is not a need, its a choice, the client chooses to stand out with their uncommon representation of wealth.