Thursday, April 11, 2019


A dynamic approach to architecture gives a static building the ability to transform. To produce the illusion that a significant paradigm shift has occurred to the building.

How it relates to building:

  • Moving element of building will transform the feeling of the occupant of the space 
  • - Less light (Summer, or better for laptop focused class)
  • - More light (Winter, or Need light for pen and paper focused class)

Movement ideas:
revolving skylight (circles)
  • moves on its own?
  • students can move both circles using cranks?
able to move squares on ceiling like puzzle?
able to move triangles on wall by hand?

The next follows: PTSD (Perspectives that stimulate design)

+ Change in roof garden height
+ rotating cylinder staircase
+ bridge to square house, bridge to roundhouse
+ no direct connection to language building but the entrance is near it

Due to rotating stairs in cylidner the students will have different options of how to travel in and out, sometimes forced to go through either square house or roundhouse, international students in the language building will have to go through the bottom floor ramp or stairs, this will take them through the gallery, lib, and past studios, this will give them an introduction to the building and culture within it before actually being fully exposed to it. Once they become proper architecture students they will be exposed to the bridges upstairs as it will become more relevant to them as they will no longer be spending the majority of their time in the direction of the language building.

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